Tuesday, 27 January 2015

RCCG: Mad Man Puts Church In Commotion As Members Scampered For Safety During Service

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Pandemonium ensues in the worship centre of Glory Chapel of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, Agbelekale, Abule Egba, Lagos, when a mad man dressed and swaddled in multi-coloured fabrics sauntered in the worship centre as choristers and members of the church scampered in every direction seeking safe haven.

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Vanguard report revealed that the middle-aged man flaunting a heavy stone in his right hand and a tiny piece of freshly sawed piece of wood from a nearby carpenter’s workshop was said to have walked out of the church almost immediately but made a return bid, this time with ferocious campaign just as the parish pastor, Pastor Ladi Akinsanya was telling the congregants about a special guest minister.

The entry of the ‘mad man’ interrupted the announcement as worshipers made for any and every escape route out of the church. Sensing the mood of the church, a middle-aged man simply identified as Baba Dominion was said to have taken a bold step and grabbed the ‘mad man’ from behind creating an opportunity for another to disarm him.

At that point in time, Pastor Akinsanya intervened, screaming; “Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord” and “Amen, Amen, Amen” intermittently obviously trying to calm down the congregation su-ggesting that the “mad man”, as it turned out an evangelical drama minister, was one of the special guests expected to minister at the service.

It took quite a while for members of the church to settle down to listen to the ministration of the mad man who immediately capitalized on the confusion to begin preaching, saying “all sins are like mad men before God and just you all were running from me, so God Almighty will detest all sins including female who deliberately entice men via the exposition of their bodies, on the last day.”

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